
The theme of this year’s Digital Humanities Week is STEM to STEAM–a movement that proposes that the arts and humanities play a stronger role in setting the agenda for and assessing the outcome of scientific and technological research. Held from 2-6 October 2017, this will be the fourth biennial Digital Humanities Week to focus on the ways that new technologies are transforming arts and letters, history, and the social sciences. Other subthemes of the conference will include digital storytelling, women and code, fair use and net neutrality, and others related to technology and culture.

UMaine held the first-ever Digital Humanities Week in 2011 and have continued the tradition every two years. This year’s festival includes:

  • A week of events ranging from formal keynotes to hands-on workshops, organized by an interdisciplinary group of engaged faculty.
  • Luminaries from institutions such as MIT, Harvard, and UCLA, as well as representatives of Maine-based colleges and community organizations.
  • Maine’s first THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp), whose participants set their own agendas—whether how to curate a digital exhibition, fight global warming, or code a mobile app.
  • Access to cutting-edge tools like 3d printers and lasercutters in facilities like our new Innovative Media Research and Commercialization center.
  • Synergies with courses, including opportunities for students to attend lectures and workshops, present their own work, and earn digital badges.

Click on the menu items above to learn more, and register so we know you’re coming!

All events are free and open to the public, and sponsored by a UMaine CLAS Events & Experiences grant, the McGillicuddy Humanities Center, McBride Fund, New Writing Series, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, the Digital Curation graduate program, and the departments of History and New Media, a program of the School of Computing and Information Science.